For quick placement, specify the basic settings: upload a video file, enter the name and description. Select the display type: round or vertical.

When all the settings are specified, click on the "Add" button. The widget will be displayed in the widget table of the Qform system. You can edit or delete it at any time.

To add a widget to the site, use the Widget Code button. Copy the code from the modal window and paste it into the website.

A unique article
The widget can be used as an addition to an informational, advertising or entertainment article. The audience loves short videos: this format inspires trust and a desire to communicate.

It will make any site attractive so that users stay on it longer.

You can insert the video directly into the text to keep the reader's attention, more accurately and in detail reveal the information that you wanted to convey.

Video Portfolio
Demonstrate your creativity.
Collect the best works to create an attractive portfolio.
Инъекционная косметология
Уход за лицом
Аппаратная косметология
Массаж лица
Product presentation

The video widget is convenient for announcing a new product.

This allows you to better demonstrate
the advantages of the product.

For quick placement, specify the basic settings: upload a video file, enter the name and description. Select the display type: round or vertical.

When all the settings are specified, click on the "Add" button. The widget will be displayed in the widget table of the Qform system. You can edit or delete it at any time.

To add a widget to the site, use the Widget Code button. Copy the code from the modal window and paste it into the website.

Custom settings
You can add your own standard settings. This will help you launch and expand the video in the body of the page by clicking or hovering over it, open the feedback form by clicking on the widget.
Блок с отзывами

В вертикальном виде можно разместить несколько отзывов от клиентов, поместив их в отдельный блок.

Это привлечет внимание пользователей и повысит их доверие.

Васильева Е.И.
Никитина О.П.
Ерёмушкин Г.Г.
Самсонов И.П.
Блок с видеоинструкцией
Такой формат поможет вашей аудитории бысрее усвоить материал
Подготовьте подробную текстовую инструкцию
Продемонстрируйте каждый шаг на видео

For quick placement, specify the basic settings: upload a video file, enter the name and description. Select the display type: round or vertical.

When all the settings are specified, click on the "Add" button. The widget will be displayed in the widget table of the Qform system. You can edit or delete it at any time.

To add a widget to the site, use the Widget Code button. Copy the code from the modal window and paste it into the website.

For quick placement, specify the basic settings: upload a video file, enter the name and description. Select the display type: round or vertical.

When all the settings are specified, click on the "Add" button. The widget will be displayed in the widget table of the Qform system. You can edit or delete it at any time.

To add a widget to the site, use the Widget Code button. Copy the code from the modal window and paste it into the website.